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Short for the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication, a SWIFT code is an international code unique to each bank that’s used to send and receive money transfers. Swift codes are used when sending a money transfer to a bank account, and are unique to the bank in question.
ID | Bank or Institution | City | Branch | Swift Code |
1 | Acciones Y Valores De Mexico, S.A. De C.V. Casa De Bolsa | Mexico | ACVLMXMM | |
2 | Banca Afirme S.A. | Monterrey | AFIRMXMT | |
3 | Banca Mifel Sa Institucion De Banca Multiple Grupo Financiero Mifel | Mexico | MIFEMXMM | |
4 | Banco Actinver Sa Institucion De Banca Multiple Grupo Financiero Actinver | Centro De Ciudad Santa Fe | ACIOMXMMACB | |
5 | Banco Actinver Sa Institucion De Banca Multiple Grupo Financiero Actinver | Mexico | (Actinver Casa De Bolsa Mex-Der) | ACIOMXMMMMD |
6 | Banco Actinver Sa Institucion De Banca Multiple Grupo Financiero Actinver | Mexico | (Admon.Actinver Casa De Bolsa.) | ACIOMXMMBRA |
7 | Banco Actinver Sa Institucion De Banca Multiple Grupo Financiero Actinver | Mexico | (Banco Actinver, Sa Mex-Dol) | ACIOMXMMPAY |
8 | Banco Actinver Sa Institucion De Banca Multiple Grupo Financiero Actinver | Mexico | ACIOMXMMFND | |
9 | Banco Actinver Sa Institucion De Banca Multiple Grupo Financiero Actinver | Mexico | ACIOMXMM | |
10 | Banco Azteca, S.A. Institucion De Banca Multiple | Mexico | AZTKMXMM | |
11 | Banco Azteca, S.A. Institucion De Banca Multiple | Mexico | AZTKMXMMEKT | |
12 | Banco Azteca, S.A. Institucion De Banca Multiple | Mexico | AZTKMXMMTVA | |
13 | Banco Base Sa Institucion De Banca Multiple, Grupo Financiero Base | San Pedro Garza Garcia | BBSEMXMX | |
14 | Banco Credit Suisse (Mexico) S.A. | Mexico | CSFBMXMM | |
15 | Banco De Mexico | Mexico | BDEMMXMF | |
16 | Banco De Mexico | Mexico | BDEMMXMM | |
17 | Banco Del Ahorro Nacional Y Servicios Financieros S.N.C Institucion De Banca De Desarrollo | Mexico | SEFIMXMM | |
18 | Banco Del Bajio, S.A. | Leon | BJIOMXML | |
19 | Banco Inbursa S.A. | Mexico | INBUMXMM | |
20 | Banco Interacciones | Mexico | BITEMXMM | |
21 | Banco Jp Morgan S.A. | Mexico | (Fia Mexico) | CHASMXMXOCC |
22 | Banco Jp Morgan S.A. | Mexico | (Global Treasury Services) | CHASMXMXGTS |
23 | Banco Jp Morgan S.A. | Mexico | CHASMXMX | |
24 | Banco Mercantil Del Norte, S.A., Institucion De Banca Multiple, Grupo Financiero Banorte | Mexico | (Custody And Cash Management) | MENOMXMTCCM |
25 | Banco Mercantil Del Norte, S.A., Institucion De Banca Multiple, Grupo Financiero Banorte | Mexico | MENOMXMT | |
26 | Banco Mercantil Del Norte, S.A., Institucion De Banca Multiple, Grupo Financiero Banorte | Mexico | MENOMXMTMEX | |
27 | Banco Mercantil Del Norte, S.A., Institucion De Banca Multiple, Grupo Financiero Banorte | Monterrey,N.L. | (Derivatives) | MENOMXMTDER |
28 | Banco Mercantil Del Norte, S.A., Institucion De Banca Multiple, Grupo Financiero Banorte | Monterrey,N.L. | (Foreign Exchange) | MENOMXMTFEX |
29 | Banco Mercantil Del Norte, S.A., Institucion De Banca Multiple, Grupo Financiero Banorte | Monterrey,N.L. | (Wholesale Banking) | MENOMXMTWLS |
30 | Banco Mercantil Del Norte, S.A., Institucion De Banca Multiple, Grupo Financiero Banorte | Monterrey,N.L. | (Wire Transfer Dept) | MENOMXMTPYM |
31 | Banco Monex, S.A. | Mexico | MONXMXMM | |
32 | Banco Multiva S.A. Institucion De Banca Multiple, Grupo Financiero Multiva | Mexico | MIMMMXMX | |
33 | Banco Nacional De Comercio Exterior, S.N.C. | Mexico | BNCEMXMM | |
34 | Banco Nacional De Mexico S.A. | Guadalajara | BNMXMXMMGUA | |
35 | Banco Nacional De Mexico S.A. | Leon | BNMXMXMMLEO | |
36 | Banco Nacional De Mexico S.A. | Mexico | (Head Office And For All Remaining Unlisted Branches) | BNMXMXMM |
37 | Banco Nacional De Mexico S.A. | Mexico | (International Custody) | BNMXMXMMINV |
38 | Banco Nacional De Mexico S.A. | Mexico | (Money Transfer Investigations) | BNMXMXMMMTI |
39 | Banco Nacional De Mexico S.A. | Mexico | (Payment Orders Dept) | BNMXMXMMPYM |
40 | Banco Nacional De Mexico S.A. | Mexico | (Vostro Accounts Dept) | BNMXMXMMCVT |
41 | Banco Nacional De Mexico S.A. | Monterrey | BNMXMXMMMTY | |
42 | Banco Nacional De Mexico S.A. | Puebla | BNMXMXMMPUE | |
43 | Banco Nacional Del Ejercito, Fuerza Aerea Y Armada, S.N.C. | Mexico | EJERMXMM | |
44 | Banco Regional De Monterrey, S.A. | Monterrey | RGIOMXMT | |
45 | Banco Sabadell S.A., Institucion De Banca Multiple | Mexico | BSABMXMM | |
46 | Banco Santander (Mexico), S.A., Institucion De Banca Multiple, Grupo Financiero Santander | Mexico | (Securities Services) | BMSXMXMMSSS |
47 | Banco Santander (Mexico), S.A., Institucion De Banca Multiple, Grupo Financiero Santander | Mexico | BMSXMXMM | |
48 | Bancomer Renta Fija Internacional | Mexico | BCMRMXMMRFI | |
49 | Bank Of America, Mexico S.A. | Mexico | BOFAMXMX | |
50 | Bank Of America, Mexico S.A. | Mexico | BOFAMXMXMEX | |
51 | Bank Of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Ufj (Mexico) S.A. | Mexico | BOTKMXMX | |
52 | Bankaool S.A., Institucion De Banca Multiple | Mexico | BKAIMXMM | |
53 | Barclays Bank Mexico S.A. | Mexico | BARCMXMM | |
54 | Bbva Bancomer, S.A. | Guadalajara | (Letters Of Credit And Collections Department Guadalajara, Jal.) | BCMRMXMMGUA |
55 | Bbva Bancomer, S.A. | Mexico | (Cartera Hipotecaria) | BCMRMXMMHIP |
56 | Bbva Bancomer, S.A. | Mexico | (Collections Department Mexico, D.F.) | BCMRMXMMCOL |
57 | Bbva Bancomer, S.A. | Mexico | (Correspondent Banking) | BCMRMXMMCOR |
58 | Bbva Bancomer, S.A. | Mexico | (Fiduciary Department) | BCMRMXMMFID |
59 | Bbva Bancomer, S.A. | Mexico | (Finance International Operations) | BCMRMXMMEXT |
60 | Bbva Bancomer, S.A. | Mexico | (Foreign Exchange Department) | BCMRMXMMFGN |
61 | Bbva Bancomer, S.A. | Mexico | (International Operations Mexico, D.F.) | BCMRMXMMOPC |
62 | Bbva Bancomer, S.A. | Mexico | (International Treasury Department) | BCMRMXMMDIV |
63 | Bbva Bancomer, S.A. | Mexico | (Letters Of Credit Department Mexico D.F.) | BCMRMXMMDOC |
64 | Bbva Bancomer, S.A. | Mexico | (Pasivos Moneda Extranjera Dept.) | BCMRMXMMOPE |
65 | Bbva Bancomer, S.A. | Mexico | (Payment Orders Department) | BCMRMXMMPYM |
66 | Bbva Bancomer, S.A. | Mexico | (Reconcilement Department) | BCMRMXMMREC |
67 | Bbva Bancomer, S.A. | Mexico | (Securities Department) | BCMRMXMMSEC |
68 | Bbva Bancomer, S.A. | Mexico | (Transferencias Interbancarias Nacionales) | BCMRMXMMTIN |
69 | Bbva Bancomer, S.A. | Mexico | BCMRMXMM | |
70 | Bbva Bancomer, S.A. | Monterrey | (Letters Of Credit And Collections Department, Monterrey, N.L.) | BCMRMXMMMTY |
71 | Casa De Bolsa Credit Suisse (Mexico), S.A. De C.V. | Mexico | CSFBMXMX | |
72 | Cemex S.A.B. De C.V. | San Pedro Garza Garcia | CXCXMXMT | |
73 | Cibanco Sa | Mexico | (Fiduciario) | CIMXMXMMFID |
74 | Cibanco Sa | Mexico | CIMXMXMM | |
75 | Daimler Mexico, Sa De Cv | Mexico | DCAGMXMM | |
76 | Deutsche Bank Mexico, Sa | Mexico | DEUTMXMM | |
77 | Evercore Casa De Bolsa Sa De Cv | Mexico | EVCBMXMM | |
78 | Gbm Grupo Bursatil Mexicano, Sa De Cv | Mexico | GBMSMXMX | |
79 | Grupo Kuo Sab De Cv | Mexico | GKUOMXMM | |
80 | Grupo Televisa, S.A.B. | Mexico | TVSAMXMM | |
81 | Hsbc Mexico, S.A., Institucion De Banca Multiple, Grupo Financiero Hsbc | Mexico | (Cls Hsbc Mexico) | BIMEMXMMCLS |
82 | Hsbc Mexico, S.A., Institucion De Banca Multiple, Grupo Financiero Hsbc | Mexico | (Securities Services Cnc Mexico) | BIMEMXMM397 |
83 | Hsbc Mexico, S.A., Institucion De Banca Multiple, Grupo Financiero Hsbc | Mexico | BIMEMXMM | |
84 | Industrial And Commercial Bank Of China Mexico, S.A. | Mexico | ICBKMXMM | |
85 | Intercam Banco Sa Institucion De Banca Multiple Intercam Grupo Financiero | Mexico | INTEMXMM | |
86 | Intercam Casa De Bolsa S.A. De C.V. | Mexico | ICABMXMM | |
87 | Investa Bank, S.A. Institucion De Banca Multiple | Mexico | GINSMXMM | |
88 | Metalsa S.A. De C.V. | Monterrey | MTASMXMT | |
89 | Morgan Stanley | Mexico | MSMCMXMM | |
90 | Nacional Financiera, S.N.C. | Mexico | NFSAMXMM | |
91 | S.D. Indeval, S.A. De C.V. | Mexico | INDEMXMM | |
92 | Scotiabank Inverlat, S.A. | Guadalajara | MBCOMXMMGUA | |
93 | Scotiabank Inverlat, S.A. | Mexico | (Departamento De Inversion) | MBCOMXMMINV |
94 | Scotiabank Inverlat, S.A. | Mexico | (Securities Department) | MBCOMXMMSEC |
95 | Scotiabank Inverlat, S.A. | Mexico | MBCOMXMM | |
96 | Scotiabank Inverlat, S.A. | Mexico | MBCOMXMMFXA | |
97 | Scotiabank Inverlat, S.A. | Monterrey | MBCOMXMMMTY | |
98 | Scotiabank Inverlat, S.A. | Puebla | MBCOMXMMPUE | |
99 | Tesored, S.A. De C.V. | Mexico | (Branch ID 002) | TESRMXMM002 |
100 | Tesored, S.A. De C.V. | Mexico | (Branch ID 003) | TESRMXMM003 |
101 | Tesored, S.A. De C.V. | Mexico | (Cms ID 001) | TESRMXMM001 |
102 | Tesored, S.A. De C.V. | Mexico | (Cms ID 004) | TESRMXMM004 |
103 | Tesored, S.A. De C.V. | Mexico | TESRMXMM | |
104 | Ubs Bank Mexico, S.A. Institucion De Banca Multiple, Ubs Grupo Financiero | Mexico | UBSWMXMM | |
105 | Vector Casa De Bolsa, Sa De Cv | Monterrey | VECRMXMM | |
106 | Volkswagen De Mexico S.A. De C.V. | Mexico | VWAGMXMM |
If you’re sending money to a bank in Mexico, it’s best to weigh all of your options — and especially consider the total cost of your transaction after currency transfer and fees. Read our page on sending funds to Mexico to get the most for your money.
Curious what the best exchange rates are? Learn how to maximize the exchange rate between the US dollar and Mexican peso with our guide to exchange rates.
As with any international money transfer, you should compare your options before sending your money out of the US.
The US Congress recently submitted a bill that proposes a 2% tax on remittances to Latin American countries that include Mexico, Brazil, Honduras and El Salvador. Called the “Border Wall Funding Act of 2017,” the bill delivers on President Donald Trump’s January 2017 promise to move forward with building a border wall between the US and Mexico, the tax a significant key to funding this wall.
According to Mexico’s Central Bank, currency transfers to Mexico from friends and family in the US and overseas exceed the amount that Mexico earns from its oil exports — some $24.6 billion in remittances versus $23.2 billion in oil. On the heels of President Trump’s recent proposals, remittances to Mexico are expected to increase even further.
Only time will reveal the full impact of these proposals. Until then, with dollars becoming yet more valuable to those in Mexico, online money transfer specialists are available to keep the financial channels open to your families back home.
Always confirm you have the correct bank information before sending money. The easiest way to do this is look up the bank online, but if they don’t have a website you may need to call the bank directly to confirm the swift codes. Use our guide to find the best providers when you’re ready to send money to Mexico.
Cómo enviar dinero a México barato
Whether products shown are available to you is subject to individual provider sole approval and discretion in accordance with the eligibility criteria and T&Cs on the provider website.
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