Western Union

- Track your money transfer in real time
- Send money online, through our app, or at an agent location
- Fast money transfers to 200+ countries and territories
There’s a reason Western Union is a household name — it’s partnered with thousands of agent locations for unmatched accessibility worldwide. But the amount you can send depends on various factors like your location and how you make the transfer.
Rely on Western Union’s website for the most up-to-date information:
Western Union has more than 500,000 agent locations in 200 countries and territories around the globe. Countries with agent locations for cash pickup include:
Afghanistan | Dominican Republic | Lithuania | Saint Bathelemy |
Albania | East Timor | Luxembourg | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
Algeria | Ecuador | Macau | Saint Lucia |
American Samoa | Egypt | Macedonia | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
Andorra | El Salvador | Madagascar | Samoa |
Angola | Equatorial Guinea | Malawi | Sao Tome and Principe |
Anguilla | Eritrea | Malaysia | Saudi Arabia |
Antigua and Barbuda | Estonia | Maldives | Senegal |
Argentina | Ethiopia | Mali | Serbia |
Aruba | Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) | Malta | Seychelles |
Australia | Fiji | Marshall Islands | Sierra Leone |
Austria | Finland | Martinique | Singapore |
Azerbaijan | France | Mauritania | Slovakia |
Bahrain | French Guiana | Mauritius | Slovenia |
Bangladesh | French Polynesia | Mayotte | Solomon Islands |
Barbados | Gabon | Mexico | Somalia (Somaliland) |
Belarus | Gambia | Micronesia | South Africa |
Belgium | Georgia | Moldova | Spain |
Belize | Germany | Monaco | Sri Lanka |
Benin | Ghana | Mongolia | St. Maarten |
Bermuda | Gibraltar | Montenegro | St. Martin |
Bhutan | Greece | Montserrat | Suriname |
Bolivia | Grenada | Morocco | Sweden |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Guadeloupe | Mozambique | Switzerland |
Botswana | Guam | Myanmar | Taiwan |
Brazil | Guatemala | Namibia | Tajikistan |
British Virgin Islands | Guinea | Nauru | Tanzania |
Brunei Darussalam | Guinea-Bissau | Nepal | Thailand |
Bulgaria | Guyana | Netherlands | Togo |
Burkina Faso | Haiti | New Zealand | Tonga |
Burundi | Honduras | New Caledonia | Trinidad and Tobago |
Cambodia | Hong Kong | Nicaragua | Tunisia |
Cameroon | Hungary | Niger | Turkey |
Canada | Iceland | Nigeria | Turkmenistan |
Cape Verde | India | Niue | Turks and Caicos Islands |
Central African Republic | Indonesia | Northern Mariana Islands | Tuvalu |
Chad | Iraq | Norway | Uganda |
Chile | Ireland | Oman | Ukraine |
China | Israel | Pakistan | United Arab Emirates |
Colombia | Italy | Palau | United Kingdom |
Comoros | Ivory Coast | Panama | United States |
Congo,Democratic Republic | Jamaica | Paraguay | Uruguay |
Congo-Brazzalville | Japan | Papua New Guinea | Uzbekistan |
Cook Islands | Jordan | Peru | Vanuatu |
Costa Rica | Kazakhstan | Philippines | Venezuela |
Croatia | Kenya | Poland | Vietnam |
Cuba | Kiribati | Portugal | Virgin Islands (US) |
Curacao | Korea | Puerto Rico | Zambia |
Cyprus | Kosovo | Reunion Island | Zimbabwe |
Cyprus ( Northern ) | Kuwait | Qatar | Kryghyz-Republic |
Czech Republic | Latvia | Romania | Laos |
Denmark | Lesotho | Russia | Lebanon |
Djibouti | Liechtenstein | Rwanda | Liberia |
Dominica |
At most Western Union locations you can:
Exact services vary by location. To verify, use the Find Locations tool. Then, choose Hours & Info in the bottom left corner to see a list of services offered there.
Western Union partners with businesses such as drugstores, banks and small grocery stores, so finding a location may be as simple as stopping by your bank.
Read our full Western Union review
After you’ve located an agent location nearby, collect a send money form from the agent on duty. To fill this out, you’ll need:
Select Cash Pickup for payout method and Money in Minutes for service.
Bring the completed form to the agent along with the transfer amount plus any applicable fees, in cash. Save your receipt to share the money transfer control number (MTCN) with your recipient. They’ll need this to pick up the transfer.
To send money online, go to Western Union’s website and choose Send money now. Select your receiver’s country, and indicate how much you want to send. Select Cash pickup for receiving method, then choose Pay online. For payment method, you can choose between:
At this point, Western Union will ask you to log in or create an account. Enter the receiver’s information and the details of your payment method to complete the transaction.
Another option is to send money through the Western Union app. Fees to send money through the app vary based on the countries where Western Union offers Pay in Cash for transfers sent through the app. Every country has a different receiving limit per transfer and is specified in the Western Union app’s Send Money page.
First, find a Western Union agent location that’s convenient for you. Check the store’s hours and bring the following:
Once there, head to the service counter. The agent on duty will help you complete the transaction.
Yes. For in-person 24/7 pickup, choose an agent location that’s open around the clock.
Since Western Union offers money transfers online and through its app, you can always send or receive money 24/7 electronically.
Sending money electronically via a bank-to-bank transfer is another option, but using a bank account can take three to six business days to process, since Western Union has to verify your account. Still, it’s usually cheaper than paying with a credit or debit card, especially within the US.
You can also send:
Western Union’s 500,000 global pick up locations and unlimited in-person transfer amount makes it convenient to send money abroad. But if you want to make a same-day bank account transfer or are looking for more competitive transfer rates, you may need to find a different transfer service.
Whether products shown are available to you is subject to individual provider sole approval and discretion in accordance with the eligibility criteria and T&Cs on the provider website.
Are you visiting from outside the US?
The Federal Reserve is launching its own instant-payment system called FedNow, advertising a staggering delivery speed of seconds.
Using international money orders to send money overseas? Learn about better options.
Transfer agents, mobile wallets and online credit card payments don’t necessarily require a bank account.
Instarem offers no-margin, mid-market rates for some of your money transfers.
Comprehensive guide on receiving money sent via a wire transfer.
Every money transfer service has different requirements for signing up and initiating a transfer. Find out what information is required to send money overseas.
We cover the different wire transfers fees you could pay with 10 of the top US banks when sending money internationally.
Looking for higher transfer limits and lower fees? Explore these WorldRemit alternatives to find a good deal.
Western Union’s extensive global network comes with high fees and weak exchange rates, use these alternatives to look for a better deal.
Compare MoneyGram with competitive alternatives to find the best deal for your transfer.